11 Mar 2008

An Update on the Swan Kids

Posted by Jamie

Thought we’d get another update going on the kids…


Susie is enjoying drama club at school. She has 2 small parts for the play Bugsy Malone Jr. in May. She has chorus this semister and enjoys it but really misses art. Susie has been busy babysitting for neighbors and church members and dog sitting as well. She is so funny, the neighbors asked if she could come and just take the dogs out and feed them each day while they were gone. Well Susie went the extra mile and spent hours playing with the dogs and even gave them a bath. She is very responsible, has been for years now. She is going to be in high demand for the next several years I am sure…she is already booked up for the next 3 weekends for babysitting! Susie and Becca also enjoyed staying up late to watch the lunar eclipse with Daddy.

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Becca is getting really excited to start softball. She has been out each day throwing the ball around with her sisters or her friend Casey. Becca has become very good friends with Casey, she has invited Casey to Activity Days several times and today she told me she wants to give Casey a Book of Mormon. So we tracked one down at the church house for her. She is also looking forward to a outing with her AIG group (can’t remember what AIG stands for but it is special classes Becca gets to go to each week for advanced students) they are having colonial days. Gramma Sam made this great dress for her. She is pretty excited!


Katie has now lost both front teeth so she is our toothless wonder! Some bigger news than that for Katie is that back in November she won a writing competition at her school. They sent it to the state competition and she was just notified that she won! Her story will be published in a North Carolina Young Authors Book. She has been invited to attend a celebration and receive her medal and a copy of the book in Raleigh in April and then there will be another local celebration here in May. She was very excited and we are very proud of her. I guess they made a huge deal about it at school, kids were asking for her autograph!!! Pretty cute! She also did a great presentation teaching her class about a famous American. She chose President Hinkley! It was awesome!

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Xander is just as cute and fun as ever. We all just enjoy him so much. He loved Dr. Seuse Days at Preschool. And continues to love taking care of his puppy.

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One Response to “An Update on the Swan Kids”

  1. Congrats Katie! You did a super job. I am proud of you! Keep entering those contests.



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