11 Jun 2008

Crazy May and Hot June!!!

Posted by Jamie

We had such a crazy month in May. I felt like we ran from one thing to the next all month long. Softball, plays, concerts, awards, church activities, track meet, lots of parties…I think we only had maybe 2 or 3 days the entire month that we didn’t have something going on. I am really looking forward to this next week of having nothing to do. They are out of school until July 15th. The kids and I are going to Utah for 3 weeks during this break and Susie has girls camp and youth conference to Palmyra New York as well. Jason gets to go with her to Palmyra. They are both very excited about this trip.

Jason and I have both been very busy with work and our callings. Now that we have been in this ward for a year now, I guess you could say that the newness has worn off and we are realizing how much work it is to be leaders in such a small military ward. I was put in as Primary President the second week that I came. Jason was put in as YM President a couple of months ago. Our Relief Society President is my age, has 3 young children ages 9, 7 and 3 and her husband will be deployed until November. Last Sunday there were 5 or 6 women in RS not counting the presidency. Everyone else is working with the youth or primary. They had to combine all Priesthood into one group because with so many men deployed off and on throughout the year it was really hard to keep things going. It is just hard, we are seeing this first hand. These military families sacrifice so much of their lives in serving our country. We usually just think of the men and women being deployed and not so much of the families struggling to keep life as normal as possible. It is really difficult for these families, they need everyone’s prayers…

Xander finished up Preschool. He is really going to miss his teacher Ms. Debbie. She has become very special to him. He has asked me several mornings if it is a school day…I try to explain that it won’t be a school day for awhile, he is not quite getting it. He has become, how shall I say it, a more active boy or should I be more blunt…he has turned into a punk! He is still sweet and tender most of the time but he has figured out how fun he thinks it is to be real rough, pushing, shoving, wrestling, hitting, screaming, yelling, running crazy, turning everything into a gun, you name it. The girls and I like to say that Xander’s got the ‘Calvin’ look on his face when he is about to do something mischievous. We all love the Calvin and Hobbes books. He loves to play rough with his friend Jake. They have a lot of fun together. One day Jake was sick and wasn’t at school. Well it was almost like Xander was lost without him. By the end of the day his teacher’s said he was downright mean to another little boy, just really picking on him. I am sure it is because he wanted to play rough and this little boy wanted nothing of it.

Xander was my tag-a-long for a couple of field trips with the girls. He was really good. And for Susie’s big party he was a hit! All the girls wanted to be his “buddy”. He even sang to all the girls a few songs: Jesus is my Rock (a song he learned at Preschool), Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. He wanted all the attention on him, he said over and over “be twiet, be twiet” so he could start singing. What a character he is!!!

The girls had so many things happen that I am going to do a separate entry for each of them.

The weather in May was warm but nice, we had a big storm that brought in large hail, it looked like snow coming down! It is almost like there was a switch that someone flipped on June 1st. The humidity and heat have been awful and the blue skies are gone. That was one thing I noticed when we arrived a year ago, with the humidity the skies look hazy almost. I am just so grateful it is not like this year round here. The wonderful fall, winter, and spring make it worth dealing with 3 months of humidity… Last weekend was the annual air show on base and it was too hot to go. Our neighbor has a pool in her backyard so we escaped the heat there. We could see a lot of the show right there. The Blue Angels were so neat to watch. They came real close to our house, one time it actually looked like if they turned the wings slightly they would clip the roof of the house across the street! We could see the pilots, they were that close. Of course I didn’t have the camera out at the moment. Xander was scared at first but then decided they were pretty cool! He is still talking about the Blue Angels!


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