1 Aug 2008

Next Stop…Roosevelt

Posted by Jamie

We hung out at Jim and Jo’s house for a day, Xander thought he had died and gone to heaven in Jo’s playroom. I didn’t see him most of the day he was too busy playing. We had a birthday party for Kennedy and Parker that night. We also celebrated Becca too! It was great to see Grandma Leola as well.


After two full weeks of playing hard it caught up to us I guess. Becca and Xander both woke in the night throwing up.Ƃ Becca hadn’t felt totally herself for couple of days but I thought it was more homesick than anything else. But the two of them picked up something nasty and were very sick for a few days. So I gathered everyone up and we went to Mom’s to rest. The next several days we went from house to house for various activities when the Becca and Xander felt up to it. Susie and Katie stayed with Lisa alot of that time. She took them on a hike one of the days to see the Freemont Indian Petroglyphs.

With Lisa and Mom we also went to the Neola Kid Rodeo. Justin and Tenisha came too.. It was a hoot! Xander was very excited about the idea of catching a bunny. Susie was with him but he caught it by himself. It was a big black bunny, he picked it up and then set it back down, it had scratched his tummy, that is why he isn’t looking too happy in the picture. Susie helped him pick it back up and carry it over to Aunt Lisa. He was very proud of his bunny, he named it Bunny Foo Foo! Katie did the bunny and chicken race with her cousin Brittney. The first race she didn’t catch anything and she was pretty upset. The second race was the chicken one and she did it. She caught a black chicken! Talk about big grins!!! Later as she was packing the poor chicken around showing it off and playing with it it pooped on her arm and she sure let everyone know what had happened, we all know how loud she is…if we didn’t look like city slickers already,Ƃ we sure did after that incident!!! Susie wanted to do the chicken and pig races. For the younger groups they had lots of animals but for the older group there wasn’t as many. They actually threw in a huge turkey for Susie’s chicken race, Aunt Lisa hollered at her to NOT get the turkey, the look on Susie’s face was like ‘are you kidding me, I am not touching that thing…’ Susie didn’t catch a chicken and there were only 2 pigs to about 60 kids for the pig race so she didn’t catch a pig either…she was bummed!Ƃ I had to talk her into doing the pig race. She wanted to do it with Jaicee but Jaicee didn’t want to. What finally did it was I told her how much G’ma Sam and G’pa Dave would love a picture of her catching a pig to go along with the other picture they have of someone we know who did a little pig wrestling in their day!!! šŸ™‚


We went to Justin and Tenisha’s house a few times for a BBQ. We celebrated the 4th of July there, doing our own fireworks and watching the cities fireworks. We had a great view of them! Our last night there Tenisha gave Xander her cowboy hat. It looks so dang cute on him and oh boy was he proud of that hat. He wouldn’t let it out of his sight for days. We got a lot of great smiles and comments on our flight home. It was great! When he had seen Uncle Justin wearing his cowboy hat at the family campout he came to me with big eyes and said “That MAN is wearing aƂ COWBOY HAT”Ƃ he was in awe!!! I told him that ‘THAT MAN’ is Uncle Justin and he IS a COWBOY! Wow, Xander was very impressed!!!


Since we had gotten sick we had to change some plans, we didn’t get to see several people that we wanted to. We also wanted to make one more trip to Lana’s and Logan but just couldn’t do it. We were too wiped out… We spent one last night at Lori’s before flying home. It was such a wonderful trip. So great to be with family – meeting my niece and nephew, spending time with friends, seeing friends that I haven’t seen in years. It was all just really great. We are so grateful that we were able to go and look forward to doing it again next year!!!

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