1 Aug 2008


Posted by Jamie

I am finally getting things together from our trip west. I have so many pictures and stories to tell that I have been a little overwhelmed and so have put it off for a couple of weeks now. So I will dive in…I will do it in several entries.

The flight went pretty well, Susie was worried we were going to get on the wrong plane, even as we stepped onto the plane she was whispering to me “Are you sure this is the right one?” One of the channels on the TVs showed how fast we were flying, when I showed Susie her eyes got huge…”600 mph!!!” She was very impressed! Becca was funny, she was scared but trying not to be. Right at take off she closed her eyes and said over and over “I am at home…in Daddy’s chair…watching TV…I am at home…in Daddy’s chair…watching TV…” during part of her chanting she reached over and grabbed my hand. But once we were up she was fine. Katie just started laughing out loud and said “This is FUN!!!” during take off. She loved the entire experience, looking out the window, seeing clouds and tiny cars, houses, pools etc. she thought it was all pretty cool! Xander was very excited too. At the airport every plane we saw out the window he would ask if that was our plane. When we finally made it on the plane and waited for take off he asked “Are we flying yet?” waited 20 or 30 seconds and asked again…When I could finally tell him “Yes we are flying” he held his puppy up to the window and said “look Puppy we are flying!”

The first few days we stayed at Lori’s house. The kids had a great time in Ashley’s pool. We also planted tulips, girls did ‘make-overs, went to a movie and Jake’s baseball game. But the best and most entertaining was when we finally kicked all the kids off their Nintendo DS games and game boy’s and told them to play together. They went downstairs and Lori has always had a great stash of dress ups. So Susie and Ashley dressed up Becca and Katie and Xander. One outfit after another. It entertained them for quite awhile! Lori’s favorite was ‘Princess Katie Cat. Mine was the ‘cowboy-pirate-ninja turtle’.


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