15 Sep 2008

Washington DC

Posted by Jamie

Jason and I had the opportunity to escape for a few days together. He had a conference for work that was in Washington DC. We have some wonderful friends here who were willing to watch the kids for us. Good friends are a blessing and we have been truly blessed here in North Carolina!!!

Jason spent the days in meetings and I spent my days being extremely LAZY and loving every second of it! All I did was eat, sleep, breath and read the Twilight books…it was so great! Jason would get back from his conference and then we would go see the sights and find a fun place for dinner. He tried to talk me into a Ethiopian restaurant but I wasn’t too thrilled about the thought of eating without utensils. I have to admit that we were a little surprised by some of DC. I guess I was expecting it to be more like New York, real busy, packed with people, more touristy feeling. We were still wanting to do stuff when things started to shut down. I mean for heaven’s sake do people not need to pee after 7 pm??? Even the bathrooms are locked up!

We really enjoyed all the historical sights we were able to see, of course we couldn’t see everything in the amount of time we had. Jason’s contribution to this entry is to let all of you know that the Bush’s weren’t home when we went to see them at the White House! Thanks Jason! Our favorites were the WWII Memorial, it was absolutely beautiful, the design and symbolism used was so touching. Iwo Jima or the Marine Corp Memorial was at the top of our list to see, seeing this amazing symbol of the Marine Corp means more to us now that we know personally some of these men, women and families who serve and sacrifice for us ‘civilians’ today. All I can say is they are amazing. Another one we loved was the FDR Memorial, it has so much history, so much happened during his time as President. The Vietnam Memorial and Korean War Memorial were also touching. The Washington Monument was beautiful to see from all over the city. We spent a lot of time in Arlington Cemetery. Words can’t describe the feeling there. It is a sacred place. The changing of the guard was so amazing and again sacred, we stayed and watched it twice. Both times feeling the heaviness that war brings, the sacrifice, the death. We were only able to make it to one museum so we choose the Holocaust Museum even though we knew it would be heartbreaking, which it was, this is something everyone should experience.


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One Response to “Washington DC”

  1. I never tire of DC. You are right too much to do in a one short trip. I really enjoy being able to attend the Temple w/o having an appointment.

    So glad you could make the trip together.



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