17 Oct 2008

Little bit of this and that…

Posted by Jamie

This entry is about Rain, Fencing and Lizards… strange mix I know…

I wanted to share some photos of the kids playing in another rain storm. It was really coming down, it was a little cold but not too bad. The kids begged to go out in it! They have so much fun! There are a couple of pictures of Cowboy Xander too…he found Susie’s old riding boots and put them to good use!


Now for Fencing… This has become Jason’s latest passion – besides me of course 🙂 He became interested in Fencing while watching the Olympics (does this story sound familiar…he did the same thing with Curling at the last Olympics) he found a Fencing Club through the Rec. Center in New Bern and signed up for it. Susie and Katie wanted to do it too and so he signed them up as well. They have gone several times now and the excitement rubbed off on Becca and so she just started. It is a great deal, $40.00 pays for the entire year and they provide all the equipment! Can’t beat that! These pictures are before Becca started so I don’t have any of her yet…


Katie is still very obsessed with her creepy crawly critters… her favorites are lizards and frogs. But she also loves snails, crickets, praying mantises…what else has she caught??? We made a deal with her that she could catch them and keep them for 2 days then she has to let them go and she can catch something else. She has been really good about it and takes care of her critters. We have only had one night of trauma of her letting a frog go, the neighbors could hear her sobbing! Well recently she caught two lizards, one male and one female. She was holding one and it kept opening it’s mouth and she was telling me how no matter what you put in it’s mouth it will clamp down on it. To prove it she put a tiny bit of her shirt in it’s mouth. Sure enough it clamped down and would not let go. We were laughing about it and so she did the same thing with the other one. Katie was very proud showing off her Lizard ‘accessories’. Well when it was time to put them back in their cage she couldn’t get them to let go. Daddy had to come help! They held on tight and left small holes in her t-shirt!


Well having two lizards in the house was just too much temptation for the cats. They knocked the cage over and got a hold of both of them. Of course it had to be Katie that came down and discovered the cage tipped over and both cats right there. She started screaming at the cats and freaking out, Daddy came in and saved the day again. Both lizards were rescued, one we really didn’t think would make it, but it did. It had two large teeth holes in it’s back. The other one’s tail was damaged but not too bad considering…

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