3 Jul 2012

Big Blow

Posted by Dave

Hi everybody!

People always ask if we are getting hit by the storms they see on the TV. Mostly not . . . . until last night about five, then the rain, wind and lightning arrived.

I have just finished cleaning all the krap off the deck, front porch, driveway and car. We only had stuff blow off the trees and bushes. Neighbors lost a few good size limbs. After the storm last night I waded down the street to gather up our garbage can and recycle box which had moved down three houses.

We had our anniversary dinner at Mickey D’s since our power was out (came back just before nine). It was a good day for Mickey . . . . line was out the door. Wind got up to 60 mph around here and 70 at other spots. Power outage was spotty . . . . some areas out, some not. This was a strange storm since the wind came in from the north, which is seldom does. Reminiscent of the hurricane last year. It did cool off the place some; we went back to sleeping with the windows open last night, but it’s hottin’ up again right now. I think before the storm yesterday it was just about the warmest day I remember here.

All fine now . . . . a.c. back on and coolin’

The Swansters

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